Elgin, IL
Kimberli specializes in newborn, child & family photography in Elgin, Illinois and the surrounding suburbs of Chicago. Call 630.709.2559 or email photographybykimberli@gmail.com for more information on your custom portrait session.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Missing in action...

Yeah, I've been a bit busy...

I remember when I first started on camera at picture people. I'd come home each day, "I shot 2 kids today!" And I said, "I can't wait until I can't remember HOW MANY I've done." Well, I'm at that point with Bella Baby. It is insane how many pictures I take each day. I've worked 10 shifts and shot 57 babies. FIFTY-SEVEN. That's a lot...

However, I do remember some of them vividly... in the past 2 days, I had the 5 pound baby in a 10 pound dress... and the 8 pound baby in a 5 pound hair bow (or rather, flower!). I wish I could share the pics. But, I also had the little lady who had more hair than my 16 month old. I had the 2 10 pounders... no putting them in my basket!! I could go on and on. Let's just put it this way... I LOVE this job. Even when I come home tired to the bone... wore out... hunched over like an old woman. It is fabulous.

I've had babies who curl up like they're still in mom's tummy. I've had babies who stretch out like, "I'm FREE!" I had a baby who put her hands in the air, wave 'em like you just don't care. LOL. Baby who covered her face, "No pictures please!" So much fun.

Anyway, today I have my NILMDTS training. Hubby asked me if I'm excited. Excited?? No. But, I'm anxious. I want to see what I've signed myself up for. I want to see how unbelievably difficult (yet rewarding) this is gonna be.

OK... I promise I'll share some pics soon. But if I don't get my rear in gear, I'm gonna be late.

1 comment:

  1. Ok...this has got to STOP! LOL Everytime I read your blogs I get choked up and cry. I am so happy for you--you are working a job that you adore! How GRAND! Check out my very WORDY blog..."First stop--Blogville"--I'm just destressing today. Feels good. Love you!
