Elgin, IL
Kimberli specializes in newborn, child & family photography in Elgin, Illinois and the surrounding suburbs of Chicago. Call 630.709.2559 or email photographybykimberli@gmail.com for more information on your custom portrait session.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The {B Family} ... A sneak peek

Thank you to my good friend Vicky for allowing me to photograph her family. Here's a sneak peek of my first foray into "in home" family photographs!

1 comment:

  1. So that is Vicky? Nice to "meet" her after all this time! hahaha
    I really like the pics of her daughter. very cute girl. Did you have fun? I can't wait to have our pictures done! Oh, I also thought about hiring you to do the Wilson Family for my in-laws. Let me talk to Laurie and see what she says. Then we'll have to see when you're ok to travel pre or post baby. K? K! Love ya!
