Elgin, IL
Kimberli specializes in newborn, child & family photography in Elgin, Illinois and the surrounding suburbs of Chicago. Call 630.709.2559 or email photographybykimberli@gmail.com for more information on your custom portrait session.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

My first share...

I took these pictures on Sunday, June 22. I've been making it a point to have my camera with me at all times, because you just never know. This is what I got. The reluctant model is my 3 year old...

She actually poses pretty well for me, but has little patience. So, the next shot is a result of that... the camera was enthralled with the tree, I wanted to focus on the beautiful girl!

Unfortunately, at this point, the camera is still in control, so the tree it was! Luckily, the image turned out pretty well (in my humble opinion!). And for the record, yes, she IS pouting. Because I asked her to PLEASE sit still for one more minute while I messed (unsuccessfully) with the dials on my camera.

And finally, what's a girl to do when there's no snow??? Why...you just have to make SAND ANGELS! Yes, I am serious. At first, I said, "NO! We have to go out to dinner and I don't want you to be filthy." And then I said, "Wait... let me grab my camera!" Never miss an opportunity...

You're gonna see a lot of this kid. Because although she gives me a hard time when I want to take pics of her, just try to take out the camera without her posing. Its almost automatic. I really think she has no control over it... and by the way, she's a darn good photographer herself... Check out my profile pic... shot with my Canon Rebel XT!

Let's get this started!

Its time for me to start sharing my work with the world. Show them what they've been missing... and it seems the way to do that is via BLOG! So, here we go!!!

As I will soon be without a full time job, I need to start making a serious attempt at becoming a full-fledged photographer. Babies are my passion. A good photo makes you say, "Awwwwww..." A GREAT photo brings tears to your eyes and makes you forget how much work those little ones truly are!

I'd also like to venture into the world of boudoir photography. I'm intrigued by the possibilities.

So, join me as I learn and grow and turn my hobby into something I can truly be proud of.