Elgin, IL
Kimberli specializes in newborn, child & family photography in Elgin, Illinois and the surrounding suburbs of Chicago. Call 630.709.2559 or email photographybykimberli@gmail.com for more information on your custom portrait session.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

{Miss Lou}

My Lou turned two in early May, but between welcoming her new sister and trying to schedule for pictures around a photo-phobic two year old, I was unable to do her pictures until this past week. The weather was perfect - warm with a beautiful late day sun - and we were able to shoot at a beautiful location... my in-laws' back yard (see the previous post!). Lou was in a great mood and for the most part, she was bruise and scrape free... a rarity for my little tomboy.

I've commented in the past that it is truly difficult to photograph my own children, but I captured her perfectly on this day. At times, giggling...and at times, her true personality would shine through.

Wait...can I use the word "shine" when I'm talking about a face like this??

Oh yeah...here we go...she shines!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

My Dream Garden

In one word... JEALOUS.

These are a few - just a few - of the flowers that populate my in-laws' garden and yard. I've been working on incorporating bokeh into my photographs...playing with depth of field and composition. Floral photography is ideal for that experimentation. I had so much fun! Enjoy!!