Elgin, IL
Kimberli specializes in newborn, child & family photography in Elgin, Illinois and the surrounding suburbs of Chicago. Call 630.709.2559 or email photographybykimberli@gmail.com for more information on your custom portrait session.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

My First In-Home Sitting!

Tonight I took pictures of a 6 day old baby... his parents are our neighbors (and dad is a former coworker of my husband). So, as a gift to them (and a way to build my portfolio), we went over to take some pictures. Of course, they'd already bought the Bella Baby CD offered to them in the hospital, but the difference between a 2 day old and a 6 day old is amazing. I didn't get as many pics as I would have liked, but I plan to go back tomorrow or Monday to take pics of the little guy with his gorgeous mom. She hadn't thought of it before my visit...and I don't at all mind a return trip. He was a sweet little baby and I loved cuddling and holding him between shots.

So, anyway, a slight teaser... one pic that I had time to work on. The rest will have to wait until tomorrow, as I still have Bella work to do in anticipation of my first day (tomorrow!).

Baby *P*...

1 comment:

  1. So cute - I love it!!! Wish you could come to my house!
    - Kadi
