Today I am working... a rare Sunday, a favor to someone who has covered a shift for me here & there (not to mention, has helped out with childcare for the last couple of months). I had no problem taking the shift...except that last night, we got 4" of snow!! I left my house 30 minutes earlier than normal and good thing I did... it took me longer than usual to get here, and I had to detour... thanks to this little mess...

In the end, it was worth it though. I had feared the worst... I'd drive all the way here and have no babies to photograph. Instead, I've photographed the cutest little bundle of joy and I'm waiting on another, and a set of twins.
So, while I wait...check out {Mr. B}. Mom & Dad were concerned he might not cooperate. But thanks to my magic basket, we did a little better than okay with his pictures.

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