Yesterday, we went into the city to take pictures of our close friends, Heidi & Matt (sneak peek of their fabulous pics soon to come). I tried to focus on taking their pictures while Russ watched Lou & Bug, but at one point, H&M walked away to scout another photo location and I couldn't help but snap a couple quick ones of my girls playing (and stop a freak from trying to take pictures of them!!!!!). Chicago is such an amazing backdrop for pictures, but with my girls, the backdrop just doesn't matter... I want all the focus on my beautiful girls!!!!
Here's my 2 favorites!!!

You definitely need to post more! I was expectantly watching for your next blog. =) Beautiful. I can't wait to see H&M's pics but these are the appetizer that fills one up! Abbi looks a bit like me in that pic. You know, gorgeous? lol She really is! And really does remind me a bit of me at that age. Lexi is such a doll. Can't wait to see them! Love you! Keep up the great photography.